Thermal, Electro-Mechanical, Electronic
Application Guide
Our Flasher Application Guide lists replacement flasher cans for the most popular vehicles sold into the AUstralian and New Zealand markets. The easy to use format lists vehicle manufacturers and their model types to correspond with Narva part numbers for the appropriate flasher. The information has been compiled from multiple sources to be as accurate as possible. Continuous research is being conducted to improve and update the listing at all times.

Narva Flashers
Narva has a complete range of Flashers manufactured to meet the highest international standards starting with the low cost thermal units through to sophisticated electronic flashers with no load circuitry for use with L.E.D lamps.
There are three basic flasher types: Thermal, Electro-Mechanical and Solid State Electronic. The introduction of both Electro-Mechanical Flashers and Electronic Flashers has produced a higher level of reliability, a clearer audible sound and a more consistent flash rate under load and temperature variations. Electronic Flashers were introduced in accordance with the function of “outage” or globe failure as required by the Australian Design Rule, ADR 13. Early electronic units are load sensitive, although new units are now available with minimal to no load requirement for use with L.E.D lamps.
The range incorporates features such as pilot lamp indication, hazard warning and heavy-duty units for B-Double and Road Train applications.
Narva Flashers are marked with the international pin identification system as listed below.
Flasher Connections
LLamps or Indicator switch
XBattery (+) or Ignition
BBattery (+) or Ignition
EEarth (-)
49Battery (+) or Ignition
49aLamps or Indicator switch
31Earth (-)
30bHazard switch (+)
+Battery (+) or Ignition
–Earth (-)
CVehicle pilot
C21st trailer pilot
C32nd trailer pilot